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Body Contouring

Body Contouring

Body Contouring

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We utilize state of the art technologies coupled with our customizable fat burning maximization system to achieve amazing results. Our Slender Sculpt 360 programs fuses various technologies, intensity and ingredients to help customers achieve the desired targeted spot reduction, reduce cellulite, rid toxins & water retention, improves lymphatic drainage system thus leading to a well-toned, firm & sculpted body.

Slender Sculpt 360 System

  • Intense Spot Reduction- target specific body contouring, skin tightening and firming.

Power Up

  • Target on body trimming and shaping tummies, hips and thighs.

Fat Burn – Target Maximizer

  • Customized slimming solution focusing on the various fat layers to reduce fluids retention, trim away cellulite and improve skin texture.